Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Cake Panelling 101!

    2. Course Presentation

    1. Part 1: The Ganache Workbook

    2. Part 2 - The Zaza Marcelle Covering Method Workbook

    3. Preparing the Ganaching Plate

    4. Crumbcoating

    5. Let's Ganache!

    1. Introduction to Panelling Workbook

    1. Presentation of the Two Methods Workbook

    2. Preparing for Panelling

    3. Zaza's Rolling Method

    4. The Upright Method

    1. Assembling the Cake Workbook

    2. Dowel

    3. Covering the Cake Board

    4. Assemble and Finish the Cake

    1. Useful Links

    2. Feedback Form

About this course

  • £155.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content


What you'll learn in this course

  • ALL the content from Ganache Perfect course: the theory to understand Ganache, the recipes (to fill and to cover cakes and why I use different ones), my fruit based ganache recipe, how to calculate ratios (and adapt to the weather) with my ganache quantity chart and of course all the step-by-step videos to nail my fail-proof Covering Method!

  • The ground rules for a smooth panelling process so that you can confidently panel cakes of any size from the comfort of your own kitchen

  • How to perfectly cover small (and more fiddly) cakes with fondant by using my go-to "Rolling" panelling method

  • How to cover larger cakes just as smoothly with the Upright panelling method

  • All the theory to assemble a Fondant cake, ready for travelling

Course Overview

  • Written Content

    This course is divided in different modules - each modules contains Written Content in the form of PDFs that you will be able to download and scroll through at your own pace. The first Module is all about Ganache and you'll find both Ganache workbooks. In the remain modules, you will find all my Panelling pro tips: which method to use for which size of cake, fondant quantity chart, favourite tools and brands to work with, and of course all the do's and don'ts for a successful cake panelling process.

  • Videos

    Each module is completed with step-by-step videos showing you exactly how we cover cakes at Zaza Marcelle's. This is where you'll see first hand how I use Ganache plates for my very own Covering Method, and of course the different Panelling methods. You will be able to play, pause, go back again and again as you wish.

  • Important Note

    Videos and PDFs go hand-in-hand so there is no particular order in which you should watch and read, but it is essential that you go through both for a full understanding of the techniques taught in this course.


  • Who is this course for?

    All cake lovers: pros and amateurs alike. This is a more advanced course so it will be easier to follow if you already have experience in cake covering (at least using ganache or buttercream).

  • Will I learn all the steps to making a cake in this course?

    No. This course only focuses on COVERING your cake: you'll learn how to ganache and cover your cake with fondant (also known as sugarpaste) using the panelling method. The course starts with a cake that has already been baked and filled with buttercream and is ready to be crumbcoated.

  • What kind of cake will I need for this course?

    Any type of sponge that is sturdy enough to be ganached and tiered (classic sponge, madeira, etc), filled with either buttercream or ganache - i.e. a filling that sets hard.

  • Can I download the course content?

    All the PDFs are downloadable for easy access, yes. You will have to log in to access the videos however.

  • How long do I get access to the course?

    Once purchased, you will have lifetime access. This will allow you to work at your own pace, and make the most of it!

  • I own a cake business. Can I apply the course content to my own cakes?

    ABSOLUTELY! Zaza Marcelle's online courses have been designed to help fellow cake designers (and aspiring cake designers!) in their cake journey, whether by teaching them new techniques or showing them things they already knew with a different approach. We only ask that you respect the courses Intellectual Property (that you will be able to find at the beginning of each course), and that you do not share the course content with people who have not enrolled in Zaza Marcelle's classes. And if you feel like tagging Zaza Marcelle on socials (@zazamarcelle), then we will be happy and honoured to re-share your work with our cake community!

Take me to the course!